The Agroforestry Show is organised by

The Soil Association is an innovative charity that develops practical food, farming & forestry solutions to restore nature and ensure good food for all​.
The farming team offer a range of support through facilitating peer to peer learning networks, farm walks and technical advice.
Their website provides a range of inspiring resources on agroforestry, including videos, case studies and a digital e-learning course.

The Woodland Trust are the UK's largest woodland conservation charity.
Their vision is a world where woods and trees thrive for people and nature.
Since 2013, the Woodland Trust's Trees for your Farm scheme has provided advice and funding support to help farmers set up agroforestry systems. Funded by the corporate sector, they’ve helped create over 240 schemes and raised the profile of agroforestry.

Event Manager
Edd works with farmers, foresters, and funders to design effective agroforestry systems.
With a decade of experience working to bring about food system change, Edd works as an independent consultant, facilitator, and educator to build movements and inspire individuals to create farm and food systems that nourish people and the planet.

Farm Hosts
Woodoaks Farm aims to connect community to food, farming & nature.
In 2020, Sally Findlay donated Woodoaks to the Soil Association Land Trust to ensure it will be farmed sustainably into the future; producing good food, improving wildlife and continuing to welcome people.
Part of their ambitious transition plans include planting a community orchard, creating over 5km of hedgerows and converting a 70-acre arable field into a productive agro-forestry system.