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Day 1 - 6th September
Title | Sainsbury's Tent | Forestry Commission Tent | Tilhill Tent | Farmers Weekly Tent | Farm Walks & Demos |
09:15 | Welcome from Helen Browning OBE | - | - | - | - |
09:45 | Profitable Silvopasture with Matt Chatfield | British Fruit Growing Through Agroforestry | What can the forestry sector bring to agroforestry? | Cows & Trees | Farm Walk with Ben Raskin |
11:15 | - | - | - | - | Woodmizer Saw Mill Demo |
11:45 | UK Government Support for Agroforestry | Biomass Agroforestry | The case for farm-scale forestry | Sheep Silvopasture: seeing the wool from the trees | Fruit Tree Pruning Demo |
13:15 | - | - | - | - | - |
14:15 | Does it all stack up? How to fund an agroforestry scheme | Reinforcing rivers: the importance of water for landowners | High Value Timber Agroforestry | Farmer-led Agroforestry Design | Farm Walk with Helen Browning |
15:30 | - | - | - | - | Woodmizer Saw Mill Demo |
16:00 | Making Agroforestry Work for Tenants | Valuing Natural Capital In Agroforestry | Wood Pasture & Wood Meadows | Trees for air quality and farm business | Dung Beetle Safari with Sally-Ann Spence |
17:30 | - | - | - | - | - |
18:30 | After party | ||||
22:45 | Site closes |
Aftershow Party from 6.30pm
with DJ set from Andy Cato (Groove Armada)
and live local bands - find out more here...
Day 2 - 7th September
Title | Sainsbury's Tent | Forestry Commission Tent | Tilhill Tent | Farmers Weekly Tent | Farm Walks & Demos |
09:00 | Successful Agroforestry Brands | Hedges, Edges and Farmland Trees | Trees, climate change and resilience | Functional Biodiversity in Agroforestry | Farm Walk with Ben Raskin & John Davies |
10:30 | - | - | - | - | Woodmizer Sawmill Demo |
11:00 | The importance of trees in resilient livestock systems. | The role of Tree Nurseries in UK Agroforestry | What next for carbon finance for agroforestry implementation? | The benefits of silvohorticulture for UK veg growers | - |
12:15 | - | - | - | - | - |
13:15 | Digital Tools for Agroforestry | Tree Health Tactics | Sharing land, skills and experience in on-farm collaboration | The role of Agroforestry in Regen Ag | Pigs, trees, farming and forestry! |
14:30 | - | - | - | - | Woodmizer Sawmill Demo |
15:00 | Future Nut Production in the UK | Co-creating the future of UK agroforestry - next steps | The Great Research Round-up | Improving Crop and Soil Health with Trees | Hedge Safari (Farm Walk) |
16:30 | Closing Session with Darren Moorcroft (CEO Woodland Trust) | - | - | - | - |
Please note: details of all sessions including speakers, content and timings are subject to change
Session Schedule
Please note: details of all sessions including speakers, content and timings are subject to change
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